Clergy Notes – September 1st, 2023

Dear Truro Family,

A few weeks ago, I shared with you our long-term plan for Sunday sermons and Scripture readings through the end of 2024. (In case you missed it, we’ve posted it to our website HERE. We’ll spend Fall and Winter in the Gospel according to John, Advent in Isaiah, the Easter season in Hebrews, a brief Pentecost series in 1 Corinthians 14, and Summer in the Psalms.

This Sunday we begin with John’s prologue, chapter 1, verses 1-18. I preached on this same text on New Year’s Day of this year, and if you’d like to earn some extra credit before Sunday (!), you can listen to it HERE

As we begin this journey together through the Gospel of John, a journey that we’ll be embarking on every Fall and Winter for quite some time as a church, let me encourage you to simply pray and ask God: “Would you please reveal Jesus to me (again)?” That simple prayer carries a whole lot of power. Because God will always answer that prayer with a resounding “yes I will!”

Your brother,

P.S. Please join Catherine and me for a “Welcome to Truro” lunch next Sunday, September 10 at 12 PM in Common Grounds. If you are new to Truro or have been coming for a while, we’d love the chance to get to know you. Please RSVP below if you can join us!
