Clergy Notes – October 6th, 2023

Dear Truro family,

It’s been a privilege for me this past week to be away for three days, praying for the needs of the congregation. Thank you for sharing your prayer requests with me, and for the blessing of serving you in this way. Your clergy, staff, and I are always happy to pray for you, for any reason!

In this week’s Truro News, you’ll notice a new, simplified, cleaner design. We’re aware that your schedules are busy, your inboxes are full, and your time to scroll through long emails is limited. So, as you look below, you’ll see that we’ve broken things down into simple categories. First, upcoming events. Second, ways to get involved. Take a minute to see all the signs of life in this church, and consider how you might get plugged in. I praise God for the work he’s doing in and through this church!

Your brother,
