Clergy Notes – October 11th, 2024

Dear Truro family,

As Election Day (Tuesday, November 5) draws near, I invite you to save that night for a special prayer service here at Truro at 7:00 P.M., if you’d find it helpful to come. At that time, the polls in Virginia will close, and a long night of watching and waiting for results will begin. For any who’d like an opportunity to pray and be still in a sacred space, we’ll gather as a church family for about an hour. We’ll begin with a time of singing and Scripture, and then we’ll pray what’s called “The Great Litany” out of our Book of Common Prayer. This is a litany that’s particularly appropriate for times of great anxiety, and for when we might not be able to find the right words on our own. We’ll conclude the service with communion, and a deep breath of the peace of God.

Whether or not you join us in person that night, remember this exhortation from 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18: “Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” 

(I’m Jamie Brown, and I approved this message!)
