Clergy Notes – November 1st, 2024

Dear Truro family,

At our recent staff retreat, we took time to thank God for what he’s done in our midst, and for what he’s doing in our midst. One of the challenges before us as we grow larger is to make sure we’re also growing deeper and wider. How can new and long-time members of this church grow in relationship with Jesus and with each other? With these questions in mind, we spent one morning hearing from the Rev. David Hanke (Rector of Restoration Anglican Church in Arlington), and an evening hearing from the Rt. Rev. Chris Warner (Bishop of the Diocese of the Mid-Atlantic). 

It was helpful to think pastorally and practically about how Truro can continue to grow in community in big and small ways. Other churches have done this so well and effectively. What a blessing to not have to reinvent the wheel! I’ll share more about this with you in future weeks. But for now, be praying about if you’d like to be a part of new community groups that would launch in mid-January 2025, running on a trimester basis. We’d like to launch at least four to begin with. Our prayer is that every person here at Truro would be known and belong.

Your brother,
