Clergy Notes – May 26th, 2023

Dear Truro Family,

By the time you read this edition of the Truro News, we will have just finished our graduation ceremony for Truro Preschool and Kindergarten (TPK), sending off 24 kindergarteners from this wonderful school which has just finished its 44th year of ministry.

Our TPK is just one element of Truro’s commitment to the next generation. From our youngest babies, toddlers, and preschoolers in our nursery, to our elementary school-aged kids, to our middle and high-school students, and our young adults, Truro is a church that takes seriously our call to raise up children in the way they should go, so that when they are old, they won’t depart from it (Proverbs 22:6).

Dear friends, over these coming summer months as Truro continues a prayerful search for our next Director of Family Ministries, I would like to ask each one of us to pray – at least one time! – and ask God if he might be tapping us on the shoulder, to step forward in some way to help.

Maybe you’re already serving the next generation in some way. And if so, thank you. But if not, maybe God has a way he’d like to use you in the life of a young person. It could be that you’re called to help support our TPK. Or serve once a month in the nursery. Or help relaunch a young adults ministry. Or serve downstairs in our children’s ministry, or Sunday evenings at youth group. Or go set up a table at GMU sometime and offer to pray for college students.

Pray about it. Please. See how God might want to use you (and Truro) more and more to raise up the next generation in the years to come.

Your brother,

