Clergy Notes – March 24th, 2023

Dear Truro Family,

A few years ago – and only for a few months – I started wearing an Apple Watch. From the moment I woke up to the moment I went to bed, I had that thing on my wrist, tracking my every movement. At the end of every day, it prepared a report on me, detailing how many steps I had taken, how many times I had sat down and/or stood up, and how my heart rate had gone up or down.

It kept a count of everything. And its subtle message to me was: Be more active. Walk more. Do more. Push yourself. Run faster. Work harder.

In Psalm 56:8, David prays to God: “You have kept count of my tossings; put my tears in your bottle. Are they not in your book?” A lot like my old Apple Watch, God had also prepared a report on David, detailing how many steps he had taken, how many times he had sat down and/or stood up. And God had even caught every one of David’s precious tears.

The same is true for you, beloved. God keeps a count of everything. But his subtle message to you (and me) is: Rest. Trust. Be still. Stand (or sit or lay down) securely in Christ. You and your tossings, and every single one of your tears, are all precious to God.

Your brother,


P.S. Last Sunday at our annual meeting, I was grateful for the opportunity to share my sense of God’s vision for Truro in the years ahead. I’m thrilled to see all that God has in store for this church! You can read my remarks HERE or watch the YouTube video below.
