Clergy Notes – June 3, 2022

Dear Truro Family,

On Monday, June 20th, I’ll begin an 8 week “mini-sabbatical” (as opposed to the 16-20 week sabbatical that is the norm for many pastors every seven years).

It is hard to believe, but this September I’ll be beginning my 8th year at Truro. I am so thankful that Mary, the staff Leadership Team, and the Vestry Wardens have encouraged me to take this time away to rest, spend time with my wife and kids, seek some solitude and silence, and do a bit of study that has nothing to do directly with my “job.”

Jenny and I love this church. I am so thankful for Truro, and so hopeful for the future. I am so grateful for the work God has given me to do here, and consider it such a privilege to serve the Lord, here in your midst. I trust that I will return to you all in mid-August with fresh energy and renewed capacity to help a new rector settle in to Truro this Fall.

I came to Truro at the age of thirty. God-willing, I have thirty more years of full-time, vocational ministry ahead of me. A long obedience in the same direction (to steal a wonderful turn of phrase from Eugene Peterson) requires rest and a healthy pace, and I am thankful for co-laborers committed to my long-term fruitfulness in ministry.

If you would like to know a bit more about what my summer will look like, I wrote about my plan here. Please pray for us in this season, that we have ears to hear what the Lord might say to us, and that I might move at His pace in response to His leading in this season.

Your friend in Christ,

Mike+ Seawright
