Clergy Notes – July 8, 2022

Dear Truro Family,

Psalm 92 says: It is good to give thanks to the LORD, to sing praises to your name, O Most High O Most High; to declare your steadfast love in the morning, and your faithfulness by night…

Lots of other places all throughout Scripture tell us the same thing: Give thanks; rejoice; remember what God has done. But often, I think, we get caught up with what God has not done, or we just get too busy, to slow down, take stock, and remember what God has done in our midst.

Summer is a great time for slowing down and remembering. And for me, as I near my 1-year anniversary of serving as your priest-in-charge, it is especially important for me to give thanks for all the ways God has blessed me this year. As I made my list, I found myself FULL of gratitude and thought you might want to hear a few of the reasons why (not in any order!):

  • The weekly coffee hour sponsored by Will and Teresa Rowe and Tony Zipfel, supported by other community groups and volunteers
  • The altar guild, small but intrepid, who works behind the scenes to make our worship beautiful and orderly
  • The musicians and choir, Lay Eucharistic Ministers (LEMs), Lay Readers, acolytes, and ushers, all of whom contribute to our joyful worship
  • The many volunteers in Children’s ministry – and thankfully, their numbers are growing (and may they increase!) – including teenagers, who love and teach our kids about our loving Lord
  • Community group leaders and members, who keep us connected to one another and help us be shaped more fully into God’s image
  • The dozens of TIPS volunteers, who love and teach internationals in our area and around the world and support one another in ministry
  • The vestry, who works diligently to be careful stewards of our money and property, and who guide us in developing wise governance policies
  • The youth ministry volunteers, who love and listen to their small groups of teenagers, week after week
  • Our gifted administrative staff and sextons, who work constantly behind the scenes, making our events seem effortless (hint: they aren’t!)
  • Our staff team, who work tirelessly on our behalf, doing more with less with competence and joy
  • Our Leadership Team – Mike and Jamie and Daria, who have worked collegially, thoughtfully and wisely to navigate Truro through a myriad of changes
  • Our worship. Week after week, I am lifted and restored in my walk with God as I worship with you. Your responsiveness and eagerness to meet God each Sunday encourages and strengthens me.

What does your list look like, as you consider how Truro has strengthened your walk with God? May we continue to be a people marked by gratitude, shaped by God’s love.

