Clergy Notes – July 5th, 2024

Dear Truro family,

Why does our service begin with a procession of the cross? This ancient tradition for Christians is full of gospel significance. I can think of (at least!) ten reasons:

1. Our worship of God is made possible because of the cross
2. Our access to God is opened to us through the cross
3. Our forgiveness of sins is declared on the cross
4. The mark of our baptism is in the sign of the cross
5. The victory for God’s people was secured by the cross
6. The defeat of sin and death was accomplished on the cross
7. We gather as family, made one by the cross
8. We gather as sinners, redeemed on the cross
9. We gather as the Church, the people of the cross
10. We have no other grounds to boast but for the cross

Just as God once led his people in procession out of bondage in Egypt through the red sea, he now “…in Christ always leads us in triumphal procession” (2 Cor. 2:14) because of the cross. So, this tradition ought not to become an empty ritual for us as Anglicans. It should call us to worship afresh every time we gather! Lift up your hearts, lift up your voice, lift high the cross!

