Clergy Notes – July 21st, 2023

Dear Truro Family,

I’d like to give you a long-term outline of the Scripture texts and sermon series we’ll be going through as a church over the next year and half. If you’d like to see what’s coming, we’ve put it all in one place in the link below.

The big idea is:

  1. Summer in the Psalms.
  2. Fall and Winter in the Gospel of John.
  3. Advent in Isaiah.
  4. The Book of Hebrews. Each Easter season (i.e. the six Sundays between Easter and Pentecost), we’ll spend a few weeks walking through this letter together.
  5. Three-weeks in 1 Corinthians 14 beginning Pentecost Sunday. This series about prophecy and tongues will be accompanied by additional teaching and practice, either on a weeknight or a weekend. Stay tuned.

You’ve most likely heard me talk about Truro’s “four pillars” by now. They are: the Word, worship, community, and outreach. All of these pillars are important. But the first pillar is the first in order because it’s the most important. When the Church departs from the Word of God, everything goes wrong. So, for this reason, we have a fundamental and unwavering commitment here at Truro to stand firmly upon – and always be going deeper into – God’s Word.

My prayer is that we’ll experience the Word of God doing the work of God – in the people of God – by the power of the Spirit of God, more and more here at Truro in the years to come.

Your brother,