Clergy Notes – April 8th, 2023

Dear Truro Family,

Who are you bringing to church this weekend?

That neighbor who might be open to sitting next to you on Sunday? That family member who said something a few months ago about being spiritually curious? That old friend you know who’s taken a few years off of church? That co-worker you know who spends the weekend alone in their apartment?

We can all think of different people in our lives and neighborhoods who have lots of different stories, and lots of different reasons for not coming to church. But in spite of all of those different things, there’s one thing that applies to all of them and to all of us: We could all use hearing the good news of the gospel again. Or maybe for the first time. The good news of a crucified Savior. And the good news of a risen King.

We throw open our doors this weekend, celebrating and proclaiming the good news of Jesus. Who are you bringing with you?

Your brother,


P.S. Are you new to Truro? Or just coming back? Our April Newcomer’s Lunch is next Sunday, April 16, at 11:45 AM in Common Grounds. Catherine and I would love for you to join us. Please RSVP below.
