Lay Counseling

The deepest issues of the human struggle are not issues of pain and suffering, but the issue of worship, because what rules our hearts will control the way we respond to both suffering and blessing.”

Paul David Tripp, Instruments in the Redeemer’s Hands

What Is Lay Counseling?

Many Christians find themselves struggling with patterns in their lives that keep them from living in close relationship with God and with others. Lay counseling offers the opportunity to explore those patterns at a deeper level by looking at God’s ways in Scripture. Over time, you will gain insights into your identity in Christ, pray to be “transformed by the renewal of your mind” (Romans 12:2), and experience the freedom in Christ that is available to all believers.

Depending on the person’s situation, confidential sessions are weekly or every other week with each session being between one and one and a half hours.

If you think you might be interested in receiving lay counseling, please call The Rev. Abigail Whitehouse at 703-273-1300, ext. 305 for more information.

Note: Lay counselors are trained in biblical counseling, but are not licensed, professional counselors. If you would like to see a professional Christian counselor, we are able to refer you to several in the Northern Virginia area.

The Rev. Abigail Whitehouse
Associate Rector for Prayer and Healing
[email protected]
703-273-1300, ext. 305
