Prayer & Counseling
Prayer is at the heart of everything we do here at Truro. Before services and in staff meetings, at the rail and throughout the week, you’ll find the people of Truro praying. We believe that God listens and responds to our prayers, that the prayers of his people are powerful & effective, and that the Holy Spirit loves to partner with us in God’s ongoing work of healing, restoration and renewal. If you long to know the God who loves you and experience more deeply his healing and restoration in your own life, we invite you to join us on this journey!
Prayer at the Rail
Every Sunday, trained prayer ministers offer prayer following both Sunday services. Simply come forward after the service to receive prayer.
Healing Prayer Appointments
We offer prayer appointments (60-90 minutes) throughout the week for anyone interested in a more extended time of prayer. These “inner healing” sessions are designed for anyone seeking physical, emotional or spiritual healing, greater freedom in an area of bondage or for those who simply desire a deeper relationship with God. If you’re interested in scheduling an appointment with one of our healing prayer teams, please email
Intercessory Prayer Line
We love to pray for any & all prayer needs! Should you or your family desire prayer support, our intercessory prayer team prays daily for any requests submitted to the prayer line. Call 703-273-1300 (ext. 450) or email to submit a request.
Spiritual Direction & Counseling
We have a team of trained spiritual directors and three counselors who are available to meet with members. If you’re interested, please email