Men's and Women's Ministries

Throughout the year, our men’s and women’s ministries offer breakfasts, social events, dinners, and retreats to help us all continue to be “…looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith…” (Hebrews 2:2)

Adult Sunday School Class - Starting January 12th

Men’s Ministry

Men’s Ministry is about making us better men with changed hearts and changed lives to love God and our neighbor.  It provides opportunities for growth, mentorship, and accountability. Men’s Ministry also provides fraternal support to help men rise to the unique challenges that fathers, husbands, and men of God face in the modern world.

For information about upcoming Men’s Ministry events, please see our event calendar or email

Women’s Ministry

Truro women’s ministry exists to glorify God through prayerfully planned activities and events, which promote spiritual growth and lead women into a deeper relationship with Christ.

For information about upcoming Women’s Ministry events, please see our event calendar or email