Celebrating and Proclaiming the Good News of the Gospel

Join us on Sundays!

7:45 AM

In our chapel

10:00 AM


5:00 PM

In our chapel


10:00 AM

7:45 AM

In our chapel

10:00 AM

In our sanctuary


10:00 AM

Weather Announcement:

Wednesday, February 12: The Truro campus will be closed.

This Sunday, August 25th

7:45 am Chapel Service, 10 a.m. Church Outside & 5 p.m. Chapel Service!

Our 7:45am service in the chapel will be held as usual. 

Our 10:00am service will be held outdoors! We’ll provide you with a worship guide so you can follow (and sing!) along. Child care in The Nest will be offered as usual.

Truro Kids in kindergarten through 6th grade (including Club 56) should check in outside and come to the undercroft for Move Up Day! Parents of new kindergartners, please walk your kindergartner downstairs to get them settled for their first time in Truro Kids!

We’ll have chairs available for you to use if you’d like, but if you’re able to bring your own chair(s), please do so!

In case there are any folks who would rather not worship outside at 10:00am, and would rather not get up early to come at 7:45am, we’ll offer an additional worship service at 5:00pm in the chapel.

April 13-20

Holy Week Service Times

Palm Sunday, April 13: 9:00am and 11:15am. Maundy Thursday, April 17: 7:00pm. Good Friday, April 18: 12:00pm and 7:00pm. Easter, April 20: A simple sunrise service outdoors at 6:30am. In the sanctuary at 9:00am and 11:15am.

Tuesdays in Lent

Weekly Community Nights

5:30pm – 7:00pm / Undercroft

March 25 features Greek Mezza with house-made gyro sandwiches, salads, and kid-friendly bites too. Come and simply enjoy time together with new and old friends in your church community. 

Tuesdays in Lent

Leaning Into Lent: Practical Discipleship

7:00pm / Sanctuary

March 25 features Bishop Chris Warner teaching on “praying”. Specifically, how we can grow in listening to God when we pray. Join us for this special time of worship, teaching, and prayer. 

March 29

TPK Soiree

6:00pm / Undercroft

Join us for an evening of food and drink, live entertainment and an auction to benefit Truro Preschool and Kindergarten. Tickets are $25.

March 30

Newcomers Lunch

12:00pm / Common Grounds

New to Truro and still looking to connect? Join us for lunch this Sunday. We’d love to get to know you better.


Become a Member

We encourage you to take the next step towards membership at Truro, if you haven't already. Click below for more info, or email one of our pastors.

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Get To Know Truro

Watch a brief welcome video with our Rector Jamie Brown

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March Events

View our March events flyer for highlights and registrations.

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Our Location

10520 Main Street
Fairfax, VA 22030

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Play Latest Service

Join us live Sundays at 10 AM or online later in the week.

Celebrating and Proclaiming the Good News of the Gospel

  • 703.273.1300
  • info@truroanglican.com
  • 10520 Main Street, Fairfax, VA 22030

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