
As a church, we affirm and respond in obedience to the Lord’s Great Commandment to love God and love others, and to the Great Commission charge to make disciples. Our desire is to know, love, and serve God in our community and the world.

Truro Cares

When God’s people are in need, be ready to help them.

Romans 12:13

Service Project

(April 2024)
With Mt. Calvary Baptist Church to help a widow in Woodbridge

Hygiene Pantry drive

(April 2024)
for Katherine Johnson Middle School

Christmas Blessings 2023

Local Partnerships

Love each other. Just as I have loved you, you should love each other.

John 13:34

The Car Ministry

A car donation charity helping the poor, the needy, and full-time ministry and other Christian workers to obtain auto transportation

Connection: Larry Gordon

The Lamb Center

A daytime drop-in shelter for individuals experiencing homelessness in Fairfax, Virginia.

Good News Global

Reaching those who are incarcerated, corrections staff, and families with the gospel’s transforming power.

Connection: Vic & Suebee Ransom

Sanctity of Life Ministries

Offering compassionate support, education and medical services to women who face unplanned pregnancies.

Connection: Margery Williams