Alan MacDonald serves as the Missions and Outreach Coordinator here at Truro.  He was a Wycliffe missionary for 32 years and served with both Wycliffe and SIL International in government relations, international relations, and program administration that included 15 years in field assignments in Mexico, Philippines, and China.  Alan earned a B.A. in History and Political Science from Houghton College, an M.A. from the University of Southern California School of Journalism as well as graduate studies in ethnology at the University of Oklahoma. His greatest educational achievement was learning Chinese in the Yale-in-Asia Program at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Alan is married to Doris. From their very first visit to Truro they have felt that this is “home.”  Alan considers it “all joy” to serve at Truro, a church with a rich history in missions and continued impact “around the world and across the street.”  
