Friday, October 15

Dear Truro family,
It gives me great delight to announce the members of Truro’s search committee.

  • Mary Springmann, chair
  • Tom Gangemi, vestry representative
  • Teresa Rowe, vestry representative
  • Katie Davidson
  • Paul Julienne
  • Pat Kambrod
  • Craig Miller
  • Jim Robb
  • Ha Tran
  • Christiana Yuen

Please pray for these committee members, as they undertake this important and demanding work. The search process normally takes 9-12 months and includes a number of tasks:

  • to describe Truro and what Truro hopes for in its next Rector;
  • to publish this information and solicit nominations;
  • to conduct background checks and interviews of candidates; and finally,
  • to present their nominee to the Vestry.

In our tradition, it is the vestry (not the congregation) who calls a new Rector. Mary will keep us informed of the committee’s progress and is happy to answer your questions. A search committee email address will be available soon.

An Interim Rector or a Priest-in-charge is not normally involved in the search process. However, part of my work for both the Diocese of the MidAtlantic and the Diocese of Pittsburgh has been helping search committees walk through this process. So I will be helping the search committee with any procedural questions or concerns that may arise.

A note from Mary Springmann, the Search Committee Chair:

Selecting the members of the Rector Search Committee has been a truly humbling and exciting experience as I saw how God was directing me in the process. My first act was to PRAY! I asked others to pray as well. I wanted this to be God’s committee, not mine. I wanted people of prayer who will seek God’s person to shepherd His flock, Truro. I prayed that God would show me those He wanted on this committee. I made a list and sought names from the wardens and from Mary Hays. I received suggestions from clergy and people in the congregation. I sent out emails asking if people were interested in being considered as a member of the rector search committee.

The process was like putting pieces of a puzzle together in order to get the cross-section of people that make up Truro Church: younger/older members, males/females, married/single, newer members of the congregation and those with years of experience, people with different cultural backgrounds and former staff. I have prayed over these selections by name for weeks. I believe that God has shaped this committee into a group that represents not only Truro’s past and present, but also its future. There is much to do, but “now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen” (Ephesians 3:20-21).  Please join us in prayer as we begin this journey together. Thank you.

– Mary Springmann

Almighty God, giver of every good gift: Look graciously on your Church, and so guide the minds of those who shall choose a Rector for Truro that we may receive a faithful pastor who will preach the Gospel, care for your people, equip us for ministry, and lead us forth in the fulfillment of the Great Commission; through Jesus Christ our Lord.

