Friday, October 1

Dear Truro Family,

Psalm 77 captures so vividly the heartfelt cry of a soul in anguish. The author, Asaph, describes his day of trouble in stark terms: his soul refuses comfort, his spirit is fainting, he’s unable to speak, and he asks “Has God forgotten to be gracious?”

I think we can all relate to Asaph from time to time. When we experience days of trouble at home, at work, or in our world, we can wonder, has God forgotten to be gracious? And when our church has been through so much, in such a short amount of time, we can wonder the same thing. 

The Psalmist turns his attention to the faithfulness of God by gazing backwards:

11  I will remember the deeds of the Lord;

    yes, I will remember your wonders of old.

12  I will ponder all your work,

    and meditate on your mighty deeds.

Sometimes the best way to walk forward – when our souls are in anguish – is to start by looking back. Remembering the deeds of the Lord and his wonders of old, pondering all of his work, and meditating on his mighty deeds. 

Over the coming months, we’re going to have some opportunities to do that as a church. To remember what God has done at Truro in the past, in order to remind us that he is the “God who works wonders” (Ps. 77:14), and to stir our faith for what he will do in the years to come. 

On Sunday, October 31st, The Rev. Dr. Stephen Noll will be joining us at all three services, and will share some of what God was doing at Truro when he was an associate (and then interim) rector from 1971 – 1976. And on the first Sunday of Advent, November 28th, The Rt. Rev. Martyn Minns will be joining us as well at all three services, and will be reflecting on “the deeds of the Lord” during his time as rector here from 1991 – 2007. 

“Has God forgotten to be gracious?” No, not then, not now, and not ever. 

As we walk forward as a church in the months and years to come, may God remind us of that truth, especially when we take time to look back.

Your brother,
