Friday, April 23

Dear Truro family,

In his book, A Long Obedience in the Same Direction, Eugene Peterson writes, “There are endless challenges in [the life of Christian discipleship] to keep us on the growing edge of faith; there is always a righteous God with us to make it possible for us to persevere.”

Here at Truro, we find ourselves in a season that requires us, day-by-day, to look to Christ for all that we need and to persevere. It’s as if Jesus is asking us directly, “Do you really believe that everything you need, you already have in Me?” “Do you really believe I will be faithful?” So we began this week our three Wednesdays of Prayer and Fasting, an opportunity for us to seek the Lord together. We can trust that he’ll hear us, build our faith, and open out eyes to see him.

At the same time, we must continue to be about the work of the church: preaching the Word, gathering in community groups to encourage and support one another, helping with people’s individual needs, and reaching out to others who don’t yet know Christ. Please join the Annual Meeting this Sunday at 2:00 p.m. on Zoom [link to be added] where we’ll provide the latest updates from a variety of people. 

We have a lot of updates, so we won’t be able to have a time of Q&A on the call, but if you have questions, please [submit them here]. We will follow up in the weeks to come.

We’re grateful for your patience and partnership as we navigate these rough waters, 

The Clergy