Clergy Notes – September 8th, 2023

Dear Truro Family,

Truro Anglican Church, by God’s grace, is built on the solid rock of Jesus Christ. We’re committed to our foundational pillars of the Word, worship, community, and outreach. Building on this foundation, God has given us a vision of Truro being a place of restoration, rebuilding, and raising up. We love to see God at work here, doing what only he can do.

This is what we’re all about – and this is why I’m so excited about our future together! We take another step into that future this weekend with our Fall kick-off of a new ministry year. Here are just a few things to celebrate:

This Sunday: We keep walking through the gospel of John. We start a new Sunday school class at 9:00 AM with Tim Howe. Our choir will be singing in the 10:00 A.M. service, and we’ll be welcoming and praying for our new Director of Family Ministries, Preston Hansen. (Click HERE in case you missed meeting Matt Yi, our new Outreach Director, last Sunday.) We have a BIG community group fair after the 10 AM service, and our Welcome to Truro lunch too. That evening at 5:30 PM at the Van Dyck House, our new year of Youth Ministry launches. Middle and high school students: Preston and Summer want to see you there!

Next week: It’s our preschool and kindergarten’s first full week back. We host all the clergy of the diocese here on Tuesday for our bi-annual clergy day. Truro Dance also begins that evening (classes for kids in grades K-12), now coming under the umbrella of Children of the Light. Our seniors lunches continue on Wednesdays at noon. Our TIPS classes start online on Wednesday and in-person on Thursday. Last I heard, over 100 NEW students have registered!

Join me in giving thanks to God for his work among us. “Those who sow in tears shall reap with shouts of joy!” (Psalm 126:5)

Your brother,


P.S. Please join Catherine and me for a “Welcome to Truro” lunch this Sunday, September 10 at 12 PM in Common Grounds. If you are new to Truro or have been coming for a while, we’d love the chance to get to know you. Please RSVP below if you can join us!