Clergy Notes – September 6th, 2024

Dear Truro family,
There are so many exciting events coming up, and so many ways to get involved, that I’m thrilled for you to read today’s Truro News. We’re so much more than just people who go to the same church… We’re brothers and sisters in the same family! And all that we do has a purpose. We’re committed to being a people of the Word of God, a people who worship God, a people in community, and a people who are sent out to love and serve the Lord. There’s so much to celebrate this weekend as we kick off a new ministry year of doing what we’re all about: celebrating and proclaiming the good news of the gospel!
We’ll be worshipping together at our usual times (and in our usual places) this Sunday, as we conclude our “Summer in the Psalms” with Psalm 24. I’ve invited a former Old Testament professor of mine to preach – Dr. Scott Redd from Reformed Theological Seminary. I’m looking forward to seeing you all on Sunday!
Your brother,