Clergy Notes – September 2nd, 2022

Dear Truro Family,

What a joy it was on Sunday when it was announced that Jamie Brown would be Truro’s new rector and the congregation erupted in applause and cheering!  As you heard, the Search Committee unanimously voted to recommend, and the Vestry voted unanimously to call him as your new leader. Bishop Guernsey gave his enthusiastic approval, as well.

Jamie and his family will return from vacation this Sunday; I know you will welcome him enthusiastically as your Rector-elect. I look forward to seeing and hearing what God does in the weeks and months ahead as Jamie moves into this new role.

I will remain as your priest-in-charge until September 18. That afternoon, Bishop John will relieve me of my spiritual authority as your interim leader and give full spiritual authority to Jamie as rector. Jamie will begin this ministry in the way he begins most things: in prayerful preparation. The wardens have granted him time away for prayer until the end of September. He will return for the parish picnic on October 2.

I cannot begin to tell you how much I have enjoyed being your interim leader, even as we have faced challenges together. Your love for God and your desire to please Him, your enthusiasm for worship and your care for one another have been heartwarming and inspiring. Sunday after Sunday, I have thanked God for the privilege of serving you. As my time has drawn to a close, I have heard many of you have described a deep sense that God is leading Truro into a new and fruitful season. That will certainly be my prayer for you all.

This Sunday, I will be spending a long-planned weekend with my family, but I hope to see many of you at my final Coffee and Conversation at 9am on September 11 in Common Grounds. I’ll make a few observations and leave plenty of time for your questions or comments.  Listed below are a few other upcoming dates:

Sunday, September 4:  Jamie returns from vacation; Mike preaches; baptisms at 10am

Sunday, September 11:  Jamie on prayer/preparation retreat through September; Mary preaches; Coffee and Conversation

Sunday, September 18:  Mary’s last Sunday; She preaches and leads New Members’ class

Sunday, October 2:  Jamie returns from retreat and preaches; Parish picnic

Sunday, October 23:  Bishop John formally institutes Jamie as Rector of Truro Anglican Church.

With love and gratitude,