Clergy Notes – September 15th, 2023

Dear Truro Family,

What a joy it was this past week to celebrate the launch of a new ministry year! Allow me to highlight just a few things:

· Our 9 AM Sunday School class with Tim Howe kicked off with over 20 people in attendance. Consider coming this Sunday and going deeper into God’s Word.

· Our community group fair after the 10 AM service allowed many of you to meet new and/or existing group leaders face-to-face. A couple of groups got such a large response that we’re looking for (more) new leaders to split the groups in two. You can check out our revamped community groups page HERE to get connected with groups near you.

· It was a delight to welcome Preston Hansen as our new Director of Family Ministries. In case you missed it, you can watch his introduction HERE.

· Our children’s ministry, youth group, TIPS classes, Children of the Light dance classes, and preschool and kindergarten classes all began.

· We hosted nearly 100 Anglican clergy from our diocese here for “Clergy Day” with Bishop Warner on Tuesday.

Over the next week, I’m looking forward to seeing how God continues to strengthen the pillar of community at Truro. Men, you’re invited to breakfast tomorrow morning. Women, you’re invited to brunch at the end of the month. And everyone, see you for our September community night this coming Tuesday! More details below.

Finally, I’d be grateful for your prayers for two important search processes for ministry positions here at Truro. We have been receiving applications – both domestically and internationally – for our Associate Rector position and are beginning to review further materials from several applicants. Also, we are beginning our search for a full-time Director of Worship. You can find the details for both of these positions HERE.

I’m looking forward to seeing you on Sunday!

Your brother,


P.S. Next Sunday, September 24, Archbishop Foley Beach will be with us. He’ll be preaching and celebrating communion at both morning services. I know you’ll enjoy getting a chance to meet him!
