Clergy Notes – September 13th, 2024

Dear Truro family,
Last week, you should have received a letter in the mail with an invitation (and a return envelope) to share your prayer requests with me before my pastoral prayer retreat in a few weeks. Please don’t feel pressured to respond, but if you’d like to, please do so by September 25. If you didn’t get that letter and you think you should have, please email Molly Andreson with your name/address. Alternatively, you can pick up one of those letters after church this Sunday.
A few other brief updates:

  • This Sunday we resume our sermon series in the Gospel according to John, walking slowly with Jesus this fall in John chapter 6.
  • While we continue our prayerful search for a full-time Director of Outreach, I’m glad to report that Alan MacDonald has agreed to serve in that role in an interim capacity. Thank you, Alan!
  • On the topic of outreach, our new semester of TIPS classes began this week, and they’re bursting at the seams. Please pray!
  • We had a wonderful ministry fair last Sunday, celebrating many of the ways God is at work here at Truro, and ways for you to get connected. Still not sure where you can use your gifts? Email [email protected] and we can point you in the right direction.
  • Don’t forget to write your prayers/praises on the concrete floor of the sanctuary before the carpet goes down. You’ve got three Sundays left! 

Your brother,


Due to inclement weather, the Truro campus will be closed on Friday, January 19.

Questions? Email [email protected].