Clergy Notes – October 29, 2021

Dear Truro family,
This Monday is All Saints Day – when we remember and give thanks for the saints of God – past and present.   And who are those saints?   Long deceased giants of the faith?   Larger-than-life haloed figures, enshrined in stained glass windows?  Yes indeed, they’re saints.   And we celebrate them on Monday – these saints of the past, who have gone before us to run their race on earth, and now at rest in heaven.

Hebrews chapter 12 speaks of that “great cloud and company of witnesses surrounding us” – referring to the vast Old Testament “Hall of Faith” heroes of the previous chapter (11), who now cheer us on from heaven’s grandstand as we run our earthly race.

But the New Testament reminds us throughout that God’s saints are not just faith heroes of the distant past, but His faithful people of the here-and-now present – any believer and follower of Jesus.  In almost every letter of St. Paul, he would greet “ALL the saints” of the church to whom he was writing – ordinary Christians of his day, with all their joys and sorrows, victories and defeats.

In a nutshell, a S-A-I-N-T is anyone who is…
   S – Sanctified (set apart), by God’s Spirit.
   A – Adopted, by God’s grace.
   I  – Indwelt, by God’s Spirit.
   N – Needed, in God’s Church.
   T – Trusting, in God’s promises and

So on this All Saints Weekend, let’s celebrate the Communion of Saints. There are probably a few saints in your life for whom you can give thanks and praise – those living and those deceased.  

And you can celebrate your own sainthood in God’s eyes – all because of Jesus, and what He has done for us in His life, death, and resurrection.  Which lifts our hearts to sing… “For ALL the Saints…Alleluia!”

Happy All Saints Weekend,

– Coleman