Clergy Notes – October 28th, 2022

Dear Truro Family,

In 2 Corinthians 9:7, we’re given a clear call to carefully consider our stewardship of the financial resources God has given us. Paul writes that “each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver”. A cheerfully giving heart is something for us all to pray for, isn’t it?

So, I invite us all over the next few weeks to intentionally and prayerfully ask God to guide our hearts as we consider our stewardship of what he’s given us. Specifically, let’s ask God to guide us as we give to the mission and ministry of this church over the coming year.

In each of our services over the next few Sundays we’ll devote just a few minutes to thinking biblically about our giving through the lens of the gospel, leading up to Christ the King Sunday, November 20. On that day, we’ll take time to fill out a simple “pledge card” as an act of worship – and as a sign of cheerful giving back to God. “Not reluctantly, or under compulsion…”

Looking to Jesus and so excited for the future,


P.S. I’m thrilled to share the news with you that Rev. Steven Shalita and his wife Michelle have agreed to lead Truro’s marriage ministry, and will be gathering a small group of leaders from within the congregation in the months to come to help bring this ministry to life, as the Lord leads. We want to be a church that cares for those who are preparing for marriage, those who are currently married, those who have experienced broken marriages, and those who are walking in singleness or widowhood, all with a heart to live fully into God’s best for us, with our identities firmly in Christ. Stay tuned in the months to come for more details.