Clergy Notes – October 25th, 2024

Dear Truro family,

Beginning next Sunday, November 3, we’ll take time during our services to think Biblically and pray intentionally about our financial stewardship to support the ministry of this church in 2025. God is at work in so many ways at Truro, and I’m excited to see more of what he has in store. But before we look ahead, here’s a brief update on our current financial picture for 2024. 

Here’s what you have given so far:
–    To the general budget: $1,730,651
–    To the sanctuary renewal project: $385,671
–    To other designated funds: $77,854

These numbers reflect your generous stewardship and partnership in the gospel. Thank you! However, it appears that the congregation’s giving to the sanctuary renewal project (and other designated funds) has perhaps diverted giving away from the general budget. Therefore, the giving to the general Truro budget is currently behind by $271,000.

I’m confident that we can close that gap by the end of the year, positioning us well for 2025, if those who have already developed the habit of giving continue to give, and if those who have not yet developed that habit begin to give. Please pray about how the Holy Spirit would lead you to give, “…not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver” (2 Cor. 9:7).

Your brother,