Clergy Notes – October 21st, 2022

Dear Truro Family,

A little over 22 years ago, I came to Truro Anglican Church as a junior in high school. I walked into the 11:15 AM service, my first Sunday here, completely disoriented, considerably depressed, and quite unsure of why God had called my family here. It didn’t take long for me to begin to love this place. And by the end of the first song, whether or not I realized it, I was hooked.

A lot has happened since then. And that’s the understatement of the year. But through it all, God has continued to give my family and me a profound love for this wonderful church, and a deep sense of calling here. Words can’t begin to say what a privilege it is to be called to serve as your new rector.

This coming weekend is a celebration. But to be clear: it is not a celebration of me. We gather this Sunday to celebrate a faithful God who loves his church more than any of us could ever imagine. And he loves Truro Anglican Church. He loved Truro enough to send Jesus to die for it. And he has loved Truro enough to sustain it through many different seasons and storms. This Sunday we celebrate that we – His Church – are alive in Christ. And he is leading us forward.

I love you, Truro. But God loves you infinitely more. Let’s gather this Sunday to give him thanks for that.

Looking to Jesus,
