Clergy Notes – October 20th, 2023

Dear Truro family,

Allow me to briefly update you on a few things:

  • Our searches continue (slowly) for our next full-time Associate Rector and Director of Worship. Please pray.
  • Thanks to God’s provision through your generous giving, our finances are in good shape! Please continue to give, both to position us well for 2024, and to address our deficit. Your Vestry is praying over the 2024 budget, to be voted on in November. 
  • Our Truro Membership Lunch will be held on Sunday, November 12. I invite anyone who would like to take the next step towards membership here to attend. 
  • On Sunday, November 19, I’ll be inviting our members to make a financial commitment to support the mission and vision of Truro, as we partner together in the gospel. Please prayerfully consider what stewardship pledge the Lord is leading you to make.
  • Our guest preacher this Sunday is a long-time friend, mentor, and hero of mine. I’m excited for you to hear from Gregg Heinsch (pastor of Celebration Community Church in Celebration, FL) as we turn our attention to John 3:1-8. 

See you Sunday!