Clergy Notes – October 18th, 2024

Dear Truro family,

Next week, the Truro staff will be away from mid-Monday until mid-Wednesday for our annual staff retreat. In addition to times of fellowship, worship, prayer, and fun, we’ll be asking the Holy Spirit to guide us as we discern what God is saying about his plans for Truro.

We praise God for the healing, peace, and growth he’s given to this church over the last couple of years. And during that time, a lot of our focus has been on facilitating connection and discipleship through bigger venues like Sunday mornings, Tuesday dinners, etc. We love those kinds of essential gatherings for a church family. But we have a sense that it’s time (and there’s a hunger) additionally for smaller settings that help facilitate deeper connection and discipleship. How would that look for Truro, and for our neighborhoods all over busy Northern Virginia? We’ll be praying, thinking, and talking about that in the weeks and months ahead. Thanks for praying for (and with) us!

Your brother,

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