Clergy Notes – November 5, 2021

Dear Truro family,

What’s in Your Wallet? This popular slogan of a credit card company has been the punch line of its ads for a number of years. The old ones used to feature a zany escapade in which the credit card became a kind of hero, saving the day. I love the slogan, not only for its kooky absurdity but also because it reveals something that most of us have in common: stuff in our wallets that only we know is there. Something that is supposed to “save the day.” The slogan is pushing us to think about whether that hidden thing is the best solution to our unexpected challenges.

What’s in Your Heart? This is the question that should be our slogan…the question that we, as followers of Jesus, should be asking ourselves. We know that the best solution to our greatest challenges is not a credit card, but the grace of God. “What’s in your heart?” is a question that pushes us to consider whether the things we trust are reflective of the God we follow. And whether our behaviors line up with what we say we believe.

And of course, the two questions are related. What is in our hearts is often revealed by what is in our wallets. That’s why Jesus talked so much about money. He wanted his followers to look at their wallets and their hearts to see what was hidden. He hoped and continues to hope, that His disciples will seek Him ahead of secondary things, trusting God to provide what they need – in abundance. And that’s why Jesus wants us to consider what’s in our hearts and in our wallets.

AS you know, this week we begin a three-week “stewardship campaign,” three weeks in which we talk about our giving to God and our giving to Truro, in particular. It is my hope that these three weeks will provide an opportunity for us to consider these two important questions – what’s in our heart and what’s in our wallet. My husband Whis and I plan to consider our own giving during these weeks. God has given us so, so much. How does He want us to invest in what He is doing here at Truro? Is there something else He wants us to give to in 2022? Will you join us in seeking God for His direction regarding giving?
