Clergy Notes – November 26, 2021

A word from Bishop Martyn Minns

Dear Truro family,

This Sunday Angela, Rachel and I are looking forward to being back at Truro Church for each of the morning services and also for a time of fellowship afterwards. We expect to greet many old friends as well as make new ones. I served as Rector of Truro from 1991 until 2007 and we look back on that season of ministry with great appreciation for all that God was able to do though all of us.

This Sunday will be the first Sunday of Advent – a wonderful day of anticipation as we prepare to celebrate the first coming of Jesus into the world as a vulnerable baby and also look forward to his second coming in power and glory as the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

It is a special time of year when we are grateful to put the past behind us and look forward with eager anticipation to all that God has in store for us in the coming days. My sermon title is “HE’S COMING BACK”. I hope you will be ready and able to be with us.

