Over the last several years, Truro has been prayerfully considering the possibility of planting a new church in Burke, VA, led by the Rev. Mike Seawright. In March 2023, the Truro Vestry voted unanimously to support this mission, saying “yes” to the call of God on our church.

We, the members of the Vestry, having devoted a significant period of time to discussion, deliberation, and prayer, enthusiastically affirm that God is calling Truro Anglican Church to plant a church in Burke, Virginia. We wholeheartedly support the call of God on the Rev. Mike Seawright to lead this effort beginning now, and commit to enthusiastically partnering with (and praying for) him, his family, and those who join in this mission to Burke. We thank God for this call upon Truro Anglican Church and the Seawrights, and we celebrate the advance of the gospel in the months and years to come. To God be the glory!

During the spring and summer of 2023, a core launch team was formed, and the Truro congregation committed to pray and give generous financial support to this new initiative. Finally, on Sunday, August 27, 2023, the Seawrights and the Trinity Burke were officially commissioned, released, and sent off from our church.

You can watch our time of commissioning in the video below (beginning at the 55:10 mark)

If you would like to learn more about Trinity Burke, you can visit their website here
