Clergy Notes – November 18th, 2022

Dear Truro Family,

Two quick things about this coming Sunday:

First: This weekend, we join the worldwide Church in celebrating Christ the King Sunday. This is more than just the end of the Church Year (before Advent begins the following Sunday), but this is the culmination of the Church Year! It’s all been building up to this. Every hymn, every prayer, and every liturgical season has been telling the story of Jesus, and leading us to exalt and glorify him together. We’ll also be looking at Paul’s letter to the Philippians one last time (before our intermission in the sermon series), where he points us to our King Jesus, who has been given “the name that is above every name”! (Phil. 2:9)

Second: If you’ve been with us over the last three weeks, you will have heard me mention that this Sunday we will take time in our services to fill out our 2023 Pledge Cards, as an evidence of the gospel taking root in our lives, and as a fruit of the Spirit’s work in our hearts. I invite us all to seriously and prayerfully consider what the Lord is leading us to give over the next year, in support of the mission and vision of this church. Let’s come to church this Sunday ready to participate in this act of worship as a church family.

Thankful for you all,


P.S. Bishop Martyn Minns will be visiting with us and preaching next Sunday, November 27. I’m looking forward to welcoming the Minns family back to Truro, and to introducing many of you to them for the first time!