Clergy Notes – November 19, 2021

Dear Truro family,

Two brief updates:

First: A couple of Sundays ago, we began asking those of you who regularly attend the 9:00 a.m. service to complete a survey to share whether or not you’d like the service to continue outdoors, or since the weather is turning colder, if you’d like to move inside. Thank you to everyone who took this survey and gave us such helpful feedback.

Based on your feedback, we will soon take the following steps at 9:00 a.m.:

  • Starting next Sunday, November 28 (the first Sunday of Advent), our 9:00 a.m. service will move into the sanctuary
  • Masks will be optional in the main sections of pews
  • Masks and social distancing will be required in the transepts and balcony
  • Masks will be required in our children’s ministry areas
  • For those would like to receive communion bread (at our Welcome Tent) before the service starts, so they can take communion in their seats, they may continue to do so 
  • For those who would like to receive communion at the rail, with the option of the priest dipping the bread in the wine for them, they may do so
  • The service will remain a bit shorter and more simple, aiming for about 50 minutes long

Second: This coming Sunday, November 21, is Christ the King Sunday when we celebrate and proclaim that Jesus reigns over all things – AND – it’s Commitment Sunday when we celebrate and proclaim that Jesus also reigns over our money. And that it’s actually his money after all. Come to church this Sunday ready to worship the King, with our hearts, our voices, and our commitment to give back to him out of what he’s so generously given to us.

Your brother,