Clergy Notes – November 11th, 2022

Dear Truro family,

This coming Sunday, November 13, Catherine and I would love to invite any newcomers who have started coming to Truro in the last year or so to a lunch after the 10 AM service. Kids are welcome too! We look forward to getting to know you, sharing some of what we love about this church, letting you ask us questions, and then we’ll have some questions for you too. You can RSVP HERE, so we can have enough food. If you can’t make it this month, we’ll be having another one on Sunday, December 11.

Speaking of December 11, we’re excited to be bringing back a happy Truro tradition that evening at 5 PM, which is “Carols by Glowstick.” We’ll be keeping very simple this year and will holding this event outside on our front lawn. This event is totally and completely designed to be an easy invitation for our un-churched friends and neighbors. The premise is pretty simple: we sing a whole bunch of carols (even “Jingle Bells”!), we have a whole bunch of glowsticks, and then we eat a whole bunch of cookies. Plan on bringing a friend (and a chair… and some cookies!)

These dates and more can also be found in the “Welcome Guide” in your pews, now updated with November and December events. When I consider all of these exciting signs of life in our church, the first verse of Psalm 122 comes to mind: “I was glad when they said to me, ‘Let us go to the house of the Lord!’”

Your brother,
