Clergy Notes – May 5th, 2023

Dear Truro Family,

Starting this month and continuing throughout the rest of the year – on the third Tuesday of each month – “Community Nights” are back. Every month, we’ll gather as a church family for a meal, unhurried conversation, times of laughter, and opportunities for connection with each other. Every month we’ll have a different theme, to help us all take ourselves a bit more lightly, and to enjoy some different kinds of meals and games.

This month, on the third Tuesday, May 16, we’ll enjoy a Spaghetti Western dinner. Wear your cowboy hats and boots if you have them. Or just come straight from work or school! As usual, dinner will be served anytime between 6–7:30 PM.

We have other fun plans for the future. In June, you’re invited to our “Winner, Winner, Chicken Dinner.” In July, a “Summer Luau.” In August, a Carnival Night for all ages. You get the idea!

One of the pillars of this church is “Community.” And we want to help you get plugged in, however we can. Save these third Tuesday dates to spend time with your church family, and keep scrolling through this Truro News as well, for many other opportunities to get connected.

Your brother,
