Clergy Notes – May 31st, 2024

Dear Truro family,

Happy last day of May! Looking back on the last few months of our life together, I’m thankful for all the ways God has been at work, and for all the ways that you – the congregation – have committed your time, prayers, and sacrificial giving.

On that note, we now arrive at the end of May with a $60,000 deficit in our budgeted giving. This is nothing to be alarmed about, as it’s normal for things to ebb and flow during the year. But as we head into the summer months, I’m asking you to make sure that before this day is over, you’re caught up on your giving. It’s important that we finish this month without a deficit, so that we can head into the summer months without that financial burden on our shoulders. If you’re able to do this today, please click here to give. 

With gratefulness to God for each one of you,