Clergy Notes – May 24th, 2024

Dear Truro family, 

What a wonderful Pentecost we just celebrated. In our services we heard the gospel proclaimed in all sorts of languages to all sorts of people – and then we saw that happening with our very eyes at our International Festival. Praise God for how his Spirit is at work in and through this church. Let’s pray that we keep learning to say “yes” to the Spirit, individually and corporately. 

This Sunday we celebrate Trinity Sunday. Matt Yi will preach on Jesus’ baptism from Matthew 3. Next Sunday, we begin the long liturgical season of “Ordinary Time.” Steven Shalita will be preaching, reminding us from God’s Word how every person – in their ordinary lives – is used by God, right where they are and just who they are. Beginning June 9, we’ll resume our “Summer in the Psalms” series, picking up in Psalm 13. 

I’m looking forward to seeing you this Sunday, as we lift our hearts and voices to the Lord together. See you at 7:45 A.M. or 10:00 A.M.!
