Clergy Notes – May 19th, 2023

Dear Truro Family,

This coming Sunday, we conclude our sermon series in 1 Corinthians 15. As we’ve been reminded as a church of all the implications of what Paul called “matters of first importance”, my prayer is that our confidence and hope in Jesus Christ have only become stronger and more secure. The gospel is such good news!

Next Sunday, May 28 is Pentecost, when we celebrate the outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon all people. The Sunday after that, June 4 is traditionally “Trinity Sunday,” and our readings and sermon will focus on Jesus’ great commission.

Sunday, June 11 we’ll begin a new sermon series, “Summer in the Psalms.” We’ll start with Psalm 1 and keep progressing one Psalm at a time during the summer. It may be that we’ll end up doing this every summer for quite some time. Eventually, about 12 or 13 years from now, we will have preached through all 150 Psalms (with a few extra weeks thrown in for the longer ones)!

June 11 will also be the date of our church picnic. What better way to mark the beginning of summer than church in the morning, and a cookout and waterslides in the afternoon?

Let’s keep asking the Lord to draw us deeper into his Word, and deeper into community together. One step (or waterslide) at a time!

Your brother,
