Clergy Notes – May 13, 2022

At our April vestry meeting, we gave thanks for our outgoing vestry members and wardens. I hope you will join me in thanking God for their faithful ministry. Lincoln Mullen and Holly Desmarais both served Truro faithfully and well during a tumultuous time for Truro. Holly will continue serving for one more year on vestry, though she has transitioned out of her role as junior warden. We owe them a debt of gratitude. In addition, Chris Tiller (who served as our Register [secretary]) and Tom Gangemi have given us their prayers and wisdom throughout the past 3 years. 

I am happy to report that our new wardens are Jim Osterhaus (senior warden) and Nancy Gordon (junior warden). Both Jim and Nancy are long-time Truro members who have immense gifts of godly wisdom. They will be joined by a new group of vestry members, as you know: Tom Heitman, Mary Hudson, Abigail Manzo, Annette Niles and Carl Sperapani. Don Foy, our treasurer, returns to fulfill an unexpired term. Please pray for all the members of the vestry. They will guide our congregation as we welcome a new rector and attend to a myriad of financial and building decisions that lie ahead.

While we are on the subject of transitions:

  • Our former director of operations, Liz Brewster, also deserves our thanks. She was instrumental in clarifying and regularizing our operating procedures and employee policies. Daria Brown is our new Director, and has already brought energy, enthusiasm and insight to this work. Welcome, Daria!
  • The Rev. Sue Hardman, who has been directing our prayer and healing ministry, will retire for the second time at the end of May.  Sue came out of retirement to support Truro in a time of transition. Thank you so much, Sue! The prayer and healing team will be led by Sharon Cartwright, a long-time Truro member and “prayer warrior.” She has a heart for this ministry and for the ongoing support and training for our prayer teams. Many thanks for her willingness to guide this important work. 
  • In June we will say good-by to Pilar Fandino, a key staff member of our international ministry – TIPS. Pilar’s welcoming heart and gifted administration will be missed. Please pray for us as we seek her replacement. 
  • We are also looking for a new Communications Director. The job description can be found in this TMail. And applicants should know that the job could be virtual. Will you pray that God will send us the right person for this important role?

In a large church, staff transitions are a normal (if regrettable) part of congregational life. Truro has been blessed by gifted, hard-working staff members, who love God, who have a team spirit,  and who love our members. Please continue to pray for them as they seek to serve you. 

I hope you’ll join me this Sunday after the 9am service, where I’ll offer a few other updates and answer any questions you may have about our life together.
