Clergy Notes – May 12th, 2023

Dear Truro Family,

I’m looking forward to seeing you all this Sunday for worship! I thank God for our times together on Sundays: gathering together to worship Him, hear from His word, come to His table, and enjoy fellowship with one another. It is such a joy to worship God alongside you all.

It’s also a joy to have extra time to meet (and eat) together. So, please know that you’re all invited to our May Community Night (this Tuesday!) for a “Spaghetti Western” dinner in the Undercroft and courtyard, anytime between 6-7:30 PM. No RSVP is needed. Just come! But if you’d like to sign up to help or bring something, you can do that below.

And if you’re new to Truro, or still looking to get connected and plugged into, Catherine and I would love to have lunch with you next Sunday, May 21, after church for our newcomer’s lunch. Again, please RSVP below.

Keep scrolling for even more opportunities to get connected with the Body of Christ here at Truro. Praise God for all that He’s doing in our midst!

Your brother,
