Clergy Notes – May 10th, 2024

Dear Truro family,

First, I hope you’ll take time to not only read about all of the events coming up in our life together, but also to make a point of adding some of these things to your calendar, and following through on RSVPing or offering to help. Community is built one step at a time, and that’s the heart behind all of these events. I’m praying that through these upcoming dinners, brunches, breakfasts, foam parties, international festivals and more, we’ll all find ourselves getting just a bit more connected in community together. 

Second, after our community night dinner this Tuesday, May 14, you’re welcome to join Nancy Gordon and me for a brief presentation on some of the plans to renew the sanctuary this summer, and a time for questions and answers. We’ll meet in the sanctuary at 7:00 P.M.

Your brother,