Clergy Notes – March 3rd, 2023

Dear Truro Family,

I’d like to ask to you to save the date of Sunday, March 19, when our annual church meeting will be held at 9 AM in the sanctuary. At this meeting, we’ll vote by acclamation for our four incoming vestry members, as well as give thanks to God for the four vestry members whose three-year terms are coming to an end. Additionally, we’ll hear reports from the senior warden, junior warden, and treasurer with updates on the health of our church. Finally, I’ll share a brief address, outlining what I believe God has shared with me as his vision for Truro in the years to come. And if we have time, I’d be glad to answer any questions.

We’ll also have our March Newcomer’s Lunch that day as well. If you’d like to attend that lunch with Catherine and me, please RSVP here

As you scroll down, I know you’ll be encouraged by all of the signs of life here at Truro, and all of the ways to get involved and connected. I’m grateful to God for his work among us, and for our wonderful staff, vestry, and volunteers whom he is using to restore his church.

I’m looking forward to seeing you on Sunday as we finish our journey through Philippians, and next Tuesday between 6-7:30 PM for “Taco Tuesday” Community Night.

“I was glad when they said to me, ‘Let us go to the house of the Lord!’” (Psalm 122:1)

Your brother,


P.S. Next Sunday, March 12, we’ll begin a three-week sermon mini-series on Jesus’ High Priestly Prayer from John 17. For the remaining Sundays in March, we’ll walk through that chapter verse-by-verse, to immerse ourselves in the prayer that Jesus prayed just before the drama of Holy Week began to unfold. Bishop Warner will preach on March 12, Mike Seawright on March 19, and John Yates on March 26.