Clergy Notes – March 31st, 2023

Dear Truro Family,

This Sunday we begin our journey through Holy Week. I invite you to make a priority of joining in corporate worship with the people of God over the coming days. Hear the Scriptures, pray the prayers, sit in the silence, sing the songs, and let the good news of the gospel wash over you once again.

On Palm Sunday we join our voices with the crowds who sang “Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!” And we join our voices with the crowds who cried “Crucify him! Crucify him!” Our King Jesus came to save those who would praise him, and those who would curse him. (Services at 7:45 AM in the Chapel, and 10 AM in the Sanctuary with the “Cry of the Congregation” drama.)

On Maundy Thursday, we see afresh how Jesus, the perfect Passover Lamb himself, offers his body and blood for the atonement of our sins, and offers his great love for us, kneeling before us and washing our feet. During communion at this service, there will be an extended time of worship, with prayer stations available, and foot-washing stations available as well. This evening ends in sudden darkness, as we remember Jesus’ violent arrest in the garden. (Service at 7 PM in the Sanctuary).

On Good Friday, we look to the cross once again. We see our Lord Jesus Christ with arms of love outstretched, offering himself once for all, that by his suffering and death, we might be saved. This is the most solemn of all days on the church calendar, as we come to grips with the depth of our sin, met by the depth of God’s grace. (Services at 12 PM in the Chapel, and our family-friendly service at 5 PM, and adult 7 PM in the Sanctuary.)

And finally, on Easter Sunday, we rejoice in the empty tomb, in our risen and reigning Savior, and in Jesus’ full and final victory over death. Come ready to celebrate! And bring a bell to ring whenever we sing or say “Alleluia!”. (Sunrise service at 7 AM, 9 AM and 11:15 AM services all in the Sanctuary.)

May we come to know Jesus even more fully in the days ahead, as we remember and proclaim his great love for us once again this Holy Week.

Your brother,
