Clergy Notes – March 1st, 2024

Dear friends,

Please join us next Sunday afternoon, March 10, for our annual church family meeting at 4:00 P.M. This is the yearly gathering of our congregation to hear from various staff and lay leaders about the ministry, health, finances, and direction of the church. Technically, this is a business meeting, and the congregation will be asked to approve last year’s minutes and given an opportunity to thank outgoing and incoming Vestry members. But more than a business meeting, this is a family gathering. We have a lot to celebrate as we look back and we have a lot to anticipate as we look forward. 

We don’t often ask the congregation to come back on a Sunday – just after the morning services – but this is an important annual mile marker as the Body of Christ here at Truro and I hope to see you there. Plan to stay afterwards for an appetizer reception. And if you’d like childcare (for children 5 and under) please click here to register.

