Clergy Notes – March 11, 2022

Dear Truro Family,

It was such a joy to see so many of you at our Ash Wednesday services. It was even more of a joy to talk to some of you afterwards about the ways God is at work in your lives. Lent is such a good opportunity to take stock of our lives before God and to set a spiritual “reset button”. I hope you will take advantage of our Lenten offerings this year, which we hope will be helpful ways to strengthen your walk with Christ:

  • “Praying the Psalms” on Sundays at 10:10 A.M.
  • Eucharist at 12:00 P.M. on Wednesdays in the chapel (short enough to fit into your lunch hour)
  • Studying the Psalms on Wednesday evenings, starting this week on March 16. (Registration info is below under “Quick Links”.)

It was also gratifying to see so many of you at our Annual Meeting on Sunday. You received the Treasurer’s report and other documents in last week’s TMail. Several of you asked for a copy of my address, so that you could forward it to those who were unable to attend. It is available here

In that address, I talked about hope and my discovery that hope in the Bible is almost always connected to suffering. (For example, Paul’s contention that “suffering produces endurance, endurance produces character, and character produces hope.”) I have been praying that God uses the various ways we have suffered as a congregation to form us, producing endurance leading to character leading to hope. May we be marked by our hope in the months and years to come, and may God be glorified by what He does in and through us.
