Clergy Notes – June 7th, 2024

Dear Truro family,

What a wonderful church picnic we enjoyed together last Sunday afternoon. Thank you to all of the people who worked so hard to made it happen! From set-up to tear-down, from grilling burgers to manning the waterslides, from starting a conversation to refilling the lemonade. I’m so grateful for all of the ways the members of this expression of the Body of Christ work so well together!

This Sunday we resume our “Summer in the Psalms” sermon series. Last year we began our journey through all 150 Psalms, making it to Psalm 12. You can find archives of those sermons on our website if you’d like. This Sunday we’ll pick up where we left off, looking at Psalm 13. I’m looking forward to worshipping God together with you all. In the words of the Psalmist David, “I was glad when they said to me, ‘Let us go to the house of the Lord!’” (Psalm 122:1).


PS: Our newcomers lunch is this Sunday, June 9th at 12:00 P.M. If you’re new to Truro, please join Catherine and me for lunch in Common Grounds. RSVP here.