Clergy Notes – June 30th, 2023

Dear Truro Family,

So many of you have let me know that you’re praying for our search for a new Director of Family Ministries. On behalf of everyone involved in this decision, thank you! Our search committee for this position has now completed its second round of interviews, and we are now in the final phase of conversations, meetings, prayer, and discernment. Please continue to pray, and I’ll continue to keep you updated.

On this topic, I would like to highlight the survey for Truro Parents and Caregivers that our Vision Alignment Committee worked hard to prepare. If you have any young people in your life that are involved in any way in the life of Truro, or if you have young people in your life that are not involved, please do take a few minutes to complete this survey. It will help us tremendously and will be an incredibly valuable tool for the person God will be bringing onto our ministry team very soon. Last I heard about 4 or 5 people had taken the survey. I’d really like to get at least 60 responses! Would you use the link below and fill out the survey? Thanks in advance for taking the time.

See you all this Sunday!
